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What is happened to jupiter?


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Hi to all,

With the " spring" weather getting worst everyday, I decided to process a couple of files that I took in the begining of the month , the colour however, is all wrong. I have used the same setting as for all my other captures in the camera driver and the other captures have been OK, at least for colour balance. The colour balance graphs in Registax show a good spread and the histogram is well streched and uniform so why is the planet looking so orange? I used my SW ED100 PRO with the Astro Revelation 2.5X ED barlow and the camera was the OpticStar 75c. The captue was 750 frames at 40 FPS and I stacked 60% of the best frames in AS!2 and the small amount of wavelets in RG6. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, BTW the seeing was terrible as the planet looked like boiling at times and the quality graph in AS!2 confirms this as it is all over the place.




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Sat 6th? The seeing was terrible then.


I rechecked the file, it was taken on the 13th March at 20-23. I have not had much luck recently with imaging, last night I was trying to capture Jupiter in between the rain, wind and the clouds and the computer crashed after 3 seconds of capture. The GRS was visible, I am really crossed with my set up at the moment.



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