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Christmas night skies...


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.....were, for want of a better word....PANTS, the odd hole in the cloud here and there. I was very disappointed, I carted my scope all the way to my mums, ok slight exaggeration, I put it in the boot :clouds2: but setting up isn't the most easiest task to do in high heels :clouds2:, promised great views of the star for the guests... :clouds2: Managed to show Mars, Pleiades....etc...but I promised them Saturn, they didn't believe they can see the rings, so they still don't believe me.... :? Oh well, I shall try again on new years day, but you can guess it will be a case of sods law again.... :clouds2:

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Ah, well. It is ever thus. We've had rain for two days, and now snow. No stars, but if you look up and pretend real hard, you can make believe you are seeing a meteor storm. Wednesday we are supposed to get some relief. You can go all the way to 400x with that scope, remember. Blow their socks off!

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And then you will get times when it is clear, but you just can't be bothered - tonight for example. Had a busy day, but it's nice and clear - I just can't..........

Ah well, fingers crossed for tomorrow night!

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The smaller the number, the bigger the magnification (mag = telescope focal length divided by EP focal length)

So, 1000 / 25 = 40x , 1000 / 10 = 100x

But you will lose brightness as the magnification increases

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Magnification is given buy the focal length of your scope divided by the focal length of the eyepiece you use.

Your scope has a focal length of 1000mm, so 1000/25mm gives a magnification of 40 and 1000/10mm gives 100 magnification, did you get a Barlow with the scope? That would give x200 with the 10mm eyepiece.


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Sadly not..... so instead of buying other eyepieces, a barlow would be the next best purchase?

Your scope is f/5, so you maximize your power with a 2.5mm ep. I would suggest you invest in a quality Barlow, but since Gaz is so generously sending you one (you don't happen to have a spare 4" refractor, do you, Gaz, ol' buddy? :clouds2: ) I would suggest you think about investing in a quality 5mm eyepiece. This will give you a comfortable 200x view, and you can slip the Barlow in behind it on those rare nights of really good seeing.

I bought myself an 8mm X-Cel, which is the best I could afford at the time, and I'm very glad I bought it, and on really good nights, I put in the Barlow, and enjoy the 225x maximum that my scope affords.

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:nono: :clouds2:

I'd probably go with a 6mm eyepiece rather than a 5mm, it may seem like I'm splitting hairs but you'll be able to use it barlowed a lot more (for 333 mag) often than the 5mm which you'd only be able to use on very exceptional nights.

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How much difference is between the 2?

About 20%, in magnification. The difference between 167x and 200x. Of course, Meade makes a 5.5mm ep in its Series 5000 line. That would not quite maximize your scope's power, barlowed, at 363.64x, and it is quite reasonable in price. :clouds2:

I've been trying to post this for 15 minutes. I've had a spot of trouble with my connection...

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..... so instead of buying other eyepieces, a barlow would be the next best purchase?

Normally, yes. 

But, your scope is capable of more than the supplied eyepieces can deliver (its common with eyepieces supplied with scopes).  IMHO, you would do well to upgrade the eyepieces to a couple of good Plossls. 

(Psst, don't be talked into buying a discount priced set of Plossls :roll:)


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..... so instead of buying other eyepieces, a barlow would be the next best purchase?

Normally, yes. 

But, your scope is capable of more than the supplied eyepieces can deliver (its common with eyepieces supplied with scopes).  IMHO, you would do well to upgrade the eyepieces to a couple of good Plossls. 

(Psst, don't be talked into buying a discount priced set of Plossls :roll:)


I've been looking at plossl eyepieces, they range from about £30 upwards, does that sound about right?  I've read many a time that other makes should be avoided, kellner etc..  Some websites sell eyepieces which are associated with skywatcher, meade etc, do I have to look out for this, or can any plossl eyepiece fit any scope?


Your scope accepts standard 1.25" fitting eyepieces (and 2" but thats another story :clouds2:). 

Heres my penneth worth:


Steve 8)

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