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It couldnt last could it


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6 nightts of clear skies came to an end tonight but really mustnt grumble. Managed to get out on 4 of them and had some great viewing, new objects seen, new equuipment tried out and generally feel like i have been spoilt. Oh happy days :-D

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This is why it's so important to take advantage of the good weather as you never know when the next drought period will begin! :grin:

Glad you got some observing under your belt as it does make a difference, especially after reading recently that one or two members have thought of giving up.

Clear skies


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Glad you got some observing under your belt as it does make a difference, especially after reading recently that one or two members have thought of giving up.

Yes good point James, I hope sopme of those considering giving up took advantage of the recent good spell and it made them have a rethink .. :smiley:
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It's good to have a moan :wink: ...... on the third clear night I heard myself say oh no, another late night observing beckoned. It's also been the easter holidays and the kids didn't seem to appreciate i'd been up till about 3 in the morning. :grin: But it has been a good reminder of all the great sights up there. Roll on the next session.......

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Going to a dark site tonight with travel scope if conditions are ok. Just want to try for m51 and m97 but really not sure if my scope has enough aperture to resolve either. Only one way to find out though eh.

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It has been a mad week for observing and you do have to take advantage of the good nights. I got so much done on Saturday night I was looking at things I wasn't expecting to see again until Late Summer/Autumn.

As bad as it sounds I was almost relieved I couldn't go out last night...but had it been clear I would've been out there. There is no telling in our weather when you might get another night.

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I need some good sleep,just can't sleep the same when the cameras clicking away and u got to get up and change camera plan to darks have quick look at saturn with binoculars,back to bed,try get back to sleep,and then up again be4 sun gets up to do the flats.

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