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First Galaxies


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As Andromeda never comes above the trees in my garden at the moment, for my first galaxy hunt I went for the Leo Triplet M65 and M66. Im learning that light pollution on the horizon and slightly above is quite bad from my garden, hence buying a LP filter today, but Leo was just above it. Nowhere near ideal viewing conditions but I was determined. It also helps that I very quickly came to terms with something essential to all of this. The first time I saw the Orion nebula I was like every other first timer - expecting hubble photos. However after seeing it, realizing the foolishness of my assumption, Im now extremely happy to look into that grey cloud with awe. However, I digress...

I had already checked what I was looking for on Stellarium and knew where to start/go. Completley by accident, once I had lined up my starting point (Chertan) my hand slipped on the control pad which was set to a reasonable speed, so it slewed off slightly. When I looked through it I could see two extremely feint grey clouds huddled up. Cue 40 mins of getting focus with every combination of my eye pieces, panning around the area slightly and comparing with Stellarium. I refused to believe that I had found them by accident and wanted concrete evidence. Eventually, I managed to identify the triangle shape they make with HP55262, but this was after alot of checking.

Another reason I wanted to know exactly where they were was because due to what I fully expect to be light pollution, they were the faintest objects Iv observed yet. Which, as mentioned earlier, once upon a time would have disappointed me. Not now though :)

40 mins playing with my scope to glimpse at 2 whole galaxies at the same time in my EP = Worth It.

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I tried going for M81 and M82 last night but struggled due to the position of my scope in the garden. I couldn't quite get a high enough altitude and when I was in the general area the mount didn't quite behave how I was expecting it to, so more time is required I think to get used to it as I only had about half an hour last night.

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Well! After last nights fail I set up again tonight determined to try again and it was worth it. Managed to hit 5 galaxies; M's 51, 81, 82, 99 & 101. Most were quite feint but could make some out better than others. Definitely going to try them all again once my LP filter turns up, or rather the correct one as I ordered a 1.25" and today arrived a 2", d'oh!

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Iv been using combinations of 25mm, 10mm and a barlow. I use the 25mm to star hop, then depending on how much of the galaxy I can see and how I am verifying that I am seeing the right thing I use any combination of the above. I do try to stay away from 10mm with Barlow as my 10mm isnt a brilliant EP, so I only use that for afew minutes when I have to.

Its worth persevering though as nothing is quite as satisfying.

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