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How good is the QHY5 for planetary imaging.


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Hi there,

Like you i was curious and found it to be reasonable for planetary imaging. I've dug out this from ages ago when i just tried it out for fun and ended up with a reasonable Jupiter. If you navigate to the Imaging-planetary section and do a search for QHY5 you will find much better examples than mine

My advice would be just give it a go and see. It only takes 5 minutes at the end of a night to capture a video and Saturn is looking very nice at the mo ;-)

Cheers John

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Hi there,

Like you i was curious and found it to be reasonable for planetary imaging. I've dug out this from ages ago when i just tried it out for fun and ended up with a reasonable Jupiter. If you navigate to the Imaging-planetary section and do a search for QHY5 you will find much better examples than mine


My advice would be just give it a go and see. It only takes 5 minutes at the end of a night to capture a video and Saturn is looking very nice at the mo ;-)

Cheers John

Your Jupiter is very good. Crisp and detailed. I will definitely give the QHY5 a shot :) A couple of days ago I tried to film Saturn with Canon 1100D attached to the 200p. Half way through I realized how pathetic it the photo will come out, and it did :) So, couldn't be bothered processing or anything...Yeah, DSLRs are great for DSOs...from my experience the modified Xbox webcam did better for planetary. What's the best decently priced Planetary camera out there? And, don't tell me the ''Celestron Neximage'' 'cause for me it functions like a good webcam, no more no less. And above that, man...it's so overpriced for what it is.

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Hi there. You can get quite reasonable images with the QHY5. I don't use mine for imaging, but I did a couple of trial captures last year and they weren't too bad


I even captured what I think are hints of the cloud belts on Venus


And you can even capture some deep sky images with sufficient exposures, this this guy:


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Hi there. You can get quite reasonable images with the QHY5. I don't use mine for imaging, but I did a couple of trial captures last year and they weren't too bad


I even captured what I think are hints of the could belts on Venus


And you can even capture some deep sky images with sufficient exposures, this this guy:


Very nice.

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