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sw200 poor tolerances on ep holder

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I use a HoTech lazer to colimate.

Read their bumf and tell me it doesnt sound good!


Mind you it didnt agree with my 'by eye' chesire collimation I did on a 150p yesterday so I'm thinking a little which do i trust more

edit: might have been down to drawtube slop once I'd put the lazer in. I gave it a wiggle and it centred on the mirror perfectly and the faceplate. That draw tube slop is the only issue with collimation i feel.

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Twotter is on the case here. You could go back to an age when telescopes were well equipped out of the box ( at least by the standards of the day ) but back then telescopes cost......lots. A 3" frac would have set you back the thick end of a grand in 1970 ish. And that doesnt include the mount.

Skywatcher could up their game, and they have upped their game. The results are stuff like the Esprit range. Thats what qualty costs...anyone got a spare four grand for a scope ? See what I mean.

Orion Optics charge premium as well but I dont think their focusers are all that and a bag of chips. Of you wanted a scope fully equipped de lux out the box you would be looking at probablly a grand for an 8" newt.

As to wobbly focusrs from the OP...your right and its one reason I dont recomennd lasers to beginners or owners of s opes lacking a high quality focuser. The best investment in collimation is a rock solid focuser thats devoid of slop.

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Maybe there is a niche for two versions of scopes, the "standard" and then a "deluxe" with a range of improvements ?

The P-DS range springs to mind here. They put a focuser upgrade on their otherwisse standard issue scopes, and a nice gold sticker.


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Maybe there is a niche for two versions of scopes, the "standard" and then a "deluxe" with a range of improvements ?

I wondered if that's what the 'Deluxe' model GSO dobs I noticed on Telescope Service were about. Seems a good idea to me. I've been surprised by how much astronomy kit seems to be a bit .

That said - mine is a scope cheaper than many eyepieces, with a slightly sloppy focuser - and I'm having fun with it. But in the future I might prefer an upgrade that's more than just 'bigger'

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I wondered if that's what the 'Deluxe' model GSO dobs I noticed on Telescope Service were about. Seems a good idea to me. I've been surprised by how much astronomy kit seems to be a bit .

That said - mine is a scope cheaper than many eyepieces, with a slightly sloppy focuser - and I'm having fun with it. But in the future I might prefer an upgrade that's more than just 'bigger'

Agree - but when I said you get what you pay for a few posts back I was told I was ´harsh´.

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I suppose that what you hope to get in the intial purchase are sound mirrors and an overall generic design and construction with reasonable quality materials that you are happy with. Certain aspects of the package can, to varying degrees, be budget add on's permitting it to be feasibly marketed at an agreeable cost. After all it enables it to be used, in the meantime, without expensive upgrades.

However it can be quite a pleasurable process, in researching and creating a gradual tick list, then engaging in a series of mini projects. Costs can certainly stack up though, but with all the third party options available and the wealth of information through forums etc, it is a great way to learn more about the workings of your scope and what it is capable of in terms of its performance.

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