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Attaching a Nikon D90 to Skywatcher Explorer 130P

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Hey guys

Sorry if Im covering already travelled ground here, but as the title would suggest I have a specific question.

I have just bought the Skywatcher Explorer 130P with SupaTrak mount, my Dad has a Nikon D90 that he loves and we want to combine the two. From what I can gather it seems that I need to get myself a T2 Adapter for the camera and a universal Celstion T adapter to go with it.

I have no problem buying these two pieces of kit if I need to, to get the job done, but want to make sure Im not being had by someone who wants to sell extra useless stuff.

Theres a deal on amazon to get both the adapters and a moon filter for £38, does this sound reasonable to anyone?

Thanks in advance guys.

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Cheers Steve smile.gif

Thats a [removed word] about not getting focus, is that for all things across the sky or would things like the moon still be possible without changing the bolts?

I'm sure its right across the board (i may be wrong? but i dont think i am) :mad:
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Some people seem to think you can still do the moon and planets, but deep sky may not be possible. However some suggestions seem to say a webcam may do a better job, which would actually suit me better as I wouldn't have to beg to borrow the camera.

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Some people seem to think you can still do the moon and planets, but deep sky may not be possible. However some suggestions seem to say a webcam may do a better job, which would actually suit me better as I wouldn't have to beg to borrow the camera.

A webcam is a much better way of imaging the planets & moon, I do it myself with a £5 xbox cam. :grin: My first foray into it was with my 130.
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Yeah from what Iv seen webcam imaging may be the way to go, only problem being I know naff all about how to do it, how to take the photos then stitch them together etc. Im sure there must be a thread on here that explains it all though. Dont suppose you have some photos up on here youv taken with the cheapo webcam?

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That posted a bit naff haha, hope u get the idea, the jupiter image was taken using my xbox cam, captured with Sharpcap & stacked in Registax, i've given u the download links (they'r both free) & links on how to use them.

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Here's one I took on the 130P in January. It was with the webcam and a 3X Barlow taken with Sharpcap and processed in Registax. I did try using a Nikon D80 with the scope but apart from a few moon snaps it wasn't worth the effort.


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Wow thats all great, thanks everyone. Once I get my scope I'll definitely be trying webcam imagine first, before we start spending money on adapters and whatnot. A £5 webcam seems a much more reasonable outlay, especially when Iv just spent over £200 on a scope.

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Start with the XBox cam but keep a lookout for the Phillips SPC900NC (or 880 which can be flashed to 900). They're not produced any more but do come up second-hand. They can be very expensive though, especially on eBay, so keep a look out on Classifieds here (you need a minimum of posts before you can access it - can't remember how many!), or Astroboot: http://www.scopesnskies.com/AstroBoot, UK Astronomy Buy and Sell: http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/ or other astro second-hand sales sites. It's a great little webcam.

Here's an XBox cam mod thread:


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Thats great, thanks so much everyone. Seems like thats all I need now to get myself started.

I'll keep my eye out for the proper camera you mentioned and FYI its 50 posts I think before I can access the buy/sell section.

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Well, Iv got my Xbox webcam on order from amazon, all I need now is to find a length of tube that fits and I should have everything I need.

Out of interest, would it make a difference using super super duper super glue rather than plastic cement?

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Well, Iv got my Xbox webcam on order from amazon, all I need now is to find a length of tube that fits and I should have everything I need.

Out of interest, would it make a difference using super super duper super glue rather than plastic cement?

If the 10mm ep that came with your scope is as naff as mine, i only used it once then upgraded then I unscrewed the aluminium sleeve off the old one & stuck that to the Xbox cam with masking tape, its looks rubbish but who cares it fits perfectly in the ep holder & does the job its supposed to do.
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Haha, brilliant idea and something I will bear in mind. Through the sale of the last bits of my warhammer 40k (the hobby I have sold off to fund a telescope, much better use of my time and money in my opinion) that are on a well known auction site at the moment I may buy myself one posh eyepiece so this may become an option. No idea what eyepiece and what size, and this is once Iv bought either the power supply or the power pack for my scope as they are higher up my list, I don't want to have to have a standing order set up to duracell.

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