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Which Eyepieces To Get


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I recently bought a Skywatcher 10" dob (solid tube). Which explains the weather we have been getting lately.

Now I'm looking to build up a collection of eyepieces. So far I've gone for a 5mm Baader Hyperion, and a Skywatcher Panaview 32mm for star clusters and with star hopping in mind.

I don't wish to go radio rental and buy eyepieces for the sake of it. Just looking to build a decent range of useful eyepieces at about one every month to six weeks which will do my telescopes justice.

My other telescope is a Skywatcher 127 Maksutov.

Any ideas?

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I don't know how fast you scope is but if it is around F5 I think you could do better than Baader Hyperions which I understand are not that good in scopes below F7. I don't know what other members think but I think you may well be better off with BST eyepieces which are cheaper but do not have such a wide field of view.


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Hi Ragnar,

The bst explorers are great eps for the cost, you just need to be a little careful as the mag generated will be so different in each of your scopes. There is a great guide to eps in this section by Warthog.

You can also have a bit of fun by using links below... these will give you an idea of how each ep will work in your scopes.




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I recently bought a Skywatcher 10" dob (solid tube). Which explains the weather we have been getting lately.

Now I'm looking to build up a collection of eyepieces. So far I've gone for a 5mm Baader Hyperion, and a Skywatcher Panaview 32mm for star clusters and with star hopping in mind.

I don't wish to go radio rental and buy eyepieces for the sake of it. Just looking to build a decent range of useful eyepieces at about one every month to six weeks which will do my telescopes justice.

My other telescope is a Skywatcher 127 Maksutov.

Any ideas?


I got myself an SW 127 SynScan a couple of weeks ago too . The supplied 25 mm ep is usable but not great, I don't like the 10mm that SW has supplied. I got myself an explorer ( starguider ) 15 mm which is very good for the price, £47.00 ( eBay) and a 9 mm Celestron Xcel lx from FLO, arrived the next morning, I also have a 2.5x ED barlow lens just in case we get exceptional seeing condition. You may also consider getting a 32 mm super plossl of some sort for observing the DSOs as it gives you about a 1.1 degree field of view. Don't be tempted to go for ultra wide ( waste of money on this scope ) or very high mag EPs as the seeing in the Uk at the best of times limits the mag to about 170 for the 5" aperture of our scope.



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I own a SW 130M and currently I have 2 BST Starguiders an 5mm and an 18mm, as well as the stock EPs. With a F6.92, to be precise, scope I have found the Starguiders wonderful to use. The 5mm for nights with quality conditions and the 18mm for everything else, I couldn't put it down! For the price, you can't beat them and Alan @ Sky's the Limit is very helpful.

I too have heard the concerns raised with Baader Hyperions in faster scopes.

The Celestron Xcel LX range I have heard good things about, and at around £69 not too expensive. However, whether they will work as well in a faster scope I do not know.

I currently have plans to purchase the 12mm Starguider, upgrade my 25mm stock and maybe I have have enough moneys, get a 32mm plossl. I just wish payday would come faster :)

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I don't know how fast you scope is but if it is around F5 I think you could do better than Baader Hyperions which I understand are not that good in scopes below F7.

Don't believe everything you read.... I use Hyperions in a 200P dob, which is F6, and they're perfectly fine. If they weren't I wouldn't have bought five of the things :)

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Another here who happily uses a high mag Hyperion with their fast scope.

Yes I can see the edge distortions but as I use it for planets which I keep central that's not an issue. The wide field is great as if I turn away momentarily the object has not gone out of view. The FTR's so that I get 4 different focal lengths were the clincher for me but at 5mm no need to make yours even higher I'd imagine.

Horses for courses I think.

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The 10" dob works out at f4.72, the 127Mak f11.8.

Can only seem to find BST Explorers on Ebay.


I notice that a 2.5x Barlow would bring the Dob to f11.8, the same as the Mak. So for high power you could then use the same EPs in both scopes, Barlowing them in the Dob, to get the same magnification-per-aperture (and the same exit pupil).
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You haven't mentioned budget only aquisition frequency so let me offer an alternative.

I've just started buying 82' AFOV eyepieces. These are very good and give amazing space walk like views, typically retailing around £150 for 1.25" eyepieces in focal ratios length of 7, 10, 15, 16, 18mm. 2" EPs start at 19mm and I've found 20mm,23mm,24mm,28mm and 31mm in various brands. Usually around £250 with the larger sizes being around £300+

If you have more readies available then look for the 100' AFOV eyepieces. these should blow yer socks clean off your feet :) expect to pay true premium prices of course.

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Wide afov eyepieces are great for planets using a dob, the planet stays in the FoV for longer meaning less nudging, be aware though some brands aren't great towards the edge of the field though, the 2 TV naglers I use are perfect from edge to edge.

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The thing about wide angle EPs in the Mak is a fallacy, I agree with Stargazing00 that you appreciate the extra FOV more because of the longer FL. I have a little Mak and a couple of SCTs (f/10) and they work really nicely :cool: Using the same 82 degree (or wider) EPs in your Dob should be really something special, but you may need a coma corrector.

I'd recommend trying an Explore Scientific 82 degree EP, if you're not averse to clicking around in German, try here http://www.exploresc...l?mode=grid&p=3

Otherwise here's an equivalent in English http://www.optical-s...ific-m-343.html

Personally, I like (a lot!) the 11mm in my small scopes up to the C8, but the 8.8mm should be good in your scopes too. I find them to be a little sharper and with better edge behaviour than my Hyperion Zoom (which is no slouch in a slow scope I should add).

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