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what does geocentric and topocentric mean?

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I bought a great little android app called Galilean for phones...on this app it tracks and shows where the Galilean moons are but there are 3 settings which I have to set manually called none, geocentric or topocentric...what is this? I get its something relating to tilt...but can someone explain what this is to a newbie please and which setting should be used...I mean it only adjusts the tilt but what does it all mean...cheers Lee

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That app is not using the terms geocentric and topocentric in the way they are normally understood (i.e. correctly used :wink: ). It is using them in relation to the orientation of Jupiter's axis on the display which has nothing to do with geo/topocentric. The clue is in 'geo' which means Earth!

What the app is showing (as far as I can tell) is either Jupiter with its North/South axis upright, or with the user horizon horizontal, and Jupiter tilted over at its apparent angle visually (or in with a Az-Alt scope).

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