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how hard is it to find the coma galaxy cluster?


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I was looking for the coma galaxy cluster and at the location where it was, i only saw the giant faint galaxy NGC 4889, and nothing else. Which was strange, because more galaxies were supposed to be seen. It was a slight wind at the time, but the 12 inch dob shouldve pulled it off.

I dont understand it.

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I think the brightest in that group is the one you saw, the mag 11.4 NGC 4889. The next brightest is NGC 4874 which is mag 12.6 and that will be pretty faint even with a 12". The rest are fainter still so maybe beyond the reach of your scope on that occasion ?

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The Coma Cluster (Abell 1656) was one of the first things I aimed my 12" at, viewing at a dark site. I was able to see more than 20 cluster members, which I identified using the chart and descriptions in Luginbuhl and Skiff's "Observing Handbook and Catalogue of Deep-Sky Objects". A dark sky and a good map are what you need.

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Don't be put off, the wind may have played a bigger part than you think. You really need a very dark sky and very good clear seeing. I have looked at this and even though I have a very good site and no polution of any kind, was not rewarded with a basket full. I find spotting these very faint DSO hard work. You can see a 13.5 mag star easily with a 12 inch, but a galaxy?


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  • 5 months later...

I cannot see them with my 12 Dob either from my - quite dark - back yard, other than 4889. But about ten of the galaxies popped out when I went to a reasonably dark site. If I had a detailed enough map I could perhaps have counted more? This is a serious member of my "to do" list AP wise. As is Abel 2151 - the Hercules Cluster. Need to get a move on since they will soon be too low.


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