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White light Sun, 2nd February


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Something of a fast to break, this one. My first really viable solar imaging opportunity for exactly eight weeks. The day started beautifully clear with excellent seeing and I was out as soon as the sun crept over the roof of the barn to the south east of the garden. Just as well I did really because the sky became rather more hazy as the day wore on. It's hard work after such a long break, too. Everything requires so much more thought.

I shot 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, preprocessed them using PIPP, abandoned a few due to small clouds passing over and ended up stacking the best 50 in Registax v6. I'm fairly happy with the result.


Some interesting-looking active regions showing up. It would be nice to get a few more opportunities soon...


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We just need the clouds to go away now...

Don't we just. We've put up with about nine months of near-perpetual dullness and rain. It's time for a change. If things don't improve this year I have a feeling that come next spring I shall be getting fairly serious pressure to consider moving somewhere that has a climate rather more conducive to outdoor life and minimal risk of developing rickets.


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