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Gutted, need advice

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Went out earlier to put scope out, smelled burning, thought it was strange and went back indoors.

Just been out now and it turns out that the guy next door has just installed a wood burning stove in his garage, and the flue is throwing all sorts of smoke / debris up and over where I place my scope.

As he is in the garage doing up his latest project most nights I'm well upset and need some advice about how to handle this.

He has always been a bit of a strange one, won't even acknowledge you if you say hello.

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Tough one. Very sorry for your plight. Don't you think you could approach him and ask if you can come to some sort of mutual agreement? Does he know that you are an astronomer and could he be a bit more considerate???? Failing that you may have to go down the route of sending a solicitors letter or something. What he does in his own garage is his business, but if his burner is pumping smoke and debris all over your garden then you may need to get the council involved and get them to send him a letter telling him to stop.

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Are you in a smoke control area? You can check with your local council; if you are, then he shouldn't be burning the stuff at all. If you aren't then there may still be a case based on causing a nuisance, although if the smoke isn't having an effect at ground level you may not have much of a case.

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Yes check with coucil, other than that, time your observing, maybe work with wind direction, it may be that the prevailing south Westerly we have a lot of the time might take any smoke in the opposite direction

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