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Blocking out the lights?


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I’m overlooked by a couple of street lights. Just round the corner where I walk the dog isn’t overlooked at all and the skies here are fairly decent. I’m trying to come up with a few ideas for blocking the direct light and was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem that they have been able to resolve?

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There is no easy solution to this, unless you are in a position where you can physically block the lights with some form of screen / fencing, I know there have been some members who have reported doing something similar, but I suppose it depends on the practicalities of where you are in relation to the lights etc. Where I am in Northampton, the County Council have turned off approximately half of all street lights as part of their public spending cuts, so from a light pollution point of view this is good news for now, but the downside is that they will be replaced with new LED lights, (theoretically these are supposed to be using 'the latest technology to deliver more effective white light to improve night time vision and colour recognition') - so what effect this will have on light pollution remains to be seen.erate more light. We are also finding that the tendency now is for people to use their own ouside lights (front and back) to compensate for the lack of street lights, so the overall effect as almost as bad as before.

The only real answer is to find a good dark-sky site somewhere away from the house.

Good luck


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Thanks for all the advice. I hadn’t considered contacting the council as I didn’t think anything could be done to the light. I will give that a go. Also saw a mention of temporary observatory using 40mm pipe, this has given me a few ideas for a screen.

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I've been giving this some thought recently as there has been a overly excessive lamp fitted to one down the street in addition to the one already across from me plus an irritating one you can see from back garden.

So in addition to the above, there is another option...

and it invovles the words triangular & key.

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Option i saw once was a cleverly aimed laser pointer on the sensor on top of the light.. Not tried this, though but i have noticed that the light that will flood the garden when i remove some trees soon has its sensor clearly visible from my daughters window... But when it does become a problem i (or should i say my wife) will try and contact the council first..


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