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1st Jupiter collection 27th Jan 2013


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I have finally finished my Jupiter data from 27th Jan from 21:03 to 22:31, i ended up with 7 final images of which i am pretty happy with considering what i could produce 3 months ago, so things are going in the right direction.

I appologise for the background colour not being 100% black in some cases as i have not concentrated on this detail but tips most welcome please.

These are all RGB sets from the C8 3 x Barlow & DMK21AU618, seeing was pretty good, 30% from frames ranging from 2800-3500 per channel.

Comments good / bad welcome as always but i hope you like the images.

Clear skies all :-)









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My new process is AS!2, AP size 80, AP amount 20ish, 30% stack 1.5 drizzle for each channel, registax , RGB align, stretch, wavelet 1 noise reduction 70 slider 100%, wavelet 2 60, slider 100%, wavelet 3 30 slider 30%.

im finding 'tearing' on the stack occurs on some images, is this ap size , amount ?

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Thanks Cosmic.

Yes only have a manual filter wheel for now but maybe an electric this year.

You can see how seeing changes as processing was almost identical for the set.

How do you find using the DMK as a guider ? maybe I could pair mine with the Altair I bought.

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Thanks Cosmic.

Yes only have a manual filter wheel for now but maybe an electric this year.

You can see how seeing changes as processing was almost identical for the set.

How do you find using the DMK as a guider ? maybe I could pair mine with the Altair I bought.

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The DMK is very good as a guider. I used to use a qhy5 and the DMK is much better :)

How do you focus ? Bahtinov ? By eye ?

Appologies for the double post.

I focus by using a star not too far from Jupiter then slew to my target, throughout the imaging runs though i may tweak it a little, i can never seem to trust my gut tbh.

I always check my collimation as well when i put the scope out & its cooled down.

So you think my DMK & Altair would be a pretty good combo for guiding then use my 600D for DSO's ?

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So you think my DMK & Altair would be a pretty good combo for guiding then use my 600D for DSO's ?

I'm using mine with a SW finder and I've never had such good guiding. I don't know how well finderguider setups work with long fl scopes like a C8 you could be pushing it a bit and a proper guidescope would be better

But a short frac or newt and it would be great

Give it a go as you have the gear already it won't cost you a penny :)

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