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Help please with PHD auto-guiding setup


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I have been trying without success to set up an autoguiding system using a Celestron CPC, guided by a DMK camera and a piggyback 80mm refractor, and using PHD guiding. The autoguide port of the CPC is connected to a PC via a Shoestring GPUSB connector.

The problem is that because it is always cloudy, there is rarely an opportunity to see the stars, and so in order to save time, I thought I would arrange for a "false" star, made up of a lightbulb inside a box with a pinprick on the side. This false star is positioned at one end of a long and fairly dark barn, about 20 m from the scope, and just possible to focus.

PHD accepts the mount (GPUSB), camera (windows WDM-style webcam camera), and tells me it has found the telescope. I set the scope up in Eq north alignment, and I can get a good image of the "star" on PHD. But when I select the star, although the on-screen box tries to follow it, it doesn't seem able to keep up, and eventually gives up, flashing red at me.

The scope is not wedge mounted for this exercise, and therefore is only moving in a horizontal RA. But because I have it Eq north aligned, it is actually moving at around sidereal rate, and therefore the "star" is appearing to move quite quickly across the screen.

Could it be that the scope is moving too fast to keep up? I have adjusted it's auto guide RA to 99% of sidereal, but PHD is losing it too quickly. In fact I am not sure that PHD is moving the scope at all.

I have run the GPUSB checker, and with this I can move the scope, so I presume it is connected OK.

Do I have to wait for a real star to check this system out? Could be a very long time here.....


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