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Skywatcher skymax 127

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Sorry typing on iPhone far too small

Hi all

I'm a complete newbie to stargazing and want to buy a scope for astrophotography. Started off by looking at the skywatcher 150p. But now looking at a skymax 127. Was wondering would this be any good for astro photography. Or should I be looking at something else??? Look forward to replies. Thanks


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Hi There,

The skymax is a great scope but has a long focal length and a narrow field of view, great for the planets and lunar, but not ideal for faint fuzzies!.

Be aware that you will need a substantial guided mount to reproduce some of the excellent pics on this forum. I would recommend you get a copy of making every photon count. This will point you in the right direction and save you time and cash in the long run.


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Cheers damnut. I would like to do planetary photography but also deep space galaxy nebulae etc. gonna order the book before I blow s load of cash. Want to get a scope before the comet due at the end of feb early march

Thanks again


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The Philips is only suited to Solar system objects Bhav. For Deep space objects you would need a bigger scope and a DSLR, and a very sore wallet result! :p. Yes Rik i used an Astro Engineering APO 2X Barlow and a Baader IR cut filter.


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For planetary imaging the Skymax is a good choice.

For deep sky imaging you need a fast focal ratio. Ideally less than f/7. The Skymax is almost f/12 so really too slow to collect enough light from the faint targets. The focal length of 1500mm is also a huge challenge for the mount. You would need a rock solid mount and good autoguiding system. You would get better results and it would cost less to get a small ED refractor and HEQ5 mount instead.

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Hi Bav,

You can do lots with an st80!! But you will need a solid mount,a modded dslr, lots of time and some clear skies. AP scopes range from short apo's to astrographs.. Do some research, take your time and drop in on a meet with a local astro group :smiley: ....


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Hi have a 24mp dslr just lacking a scope. There's so much out there just want to get a good all rounder for planet and space in general any suggestions?

Unfortunately planets and deep space are not mutually compatible as far as telescopes go. You will not get a good all rounder for them both.

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