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Telrad v Rigel Quikfinder

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heres a thread .

in basic terms they both do a great job. telrad has the extra outer circle (4%) ? cant be sure. where as the rigel has two circles.

smaller footprint for rigel as telrad is rather big,but its light and battery runs for a zillion years.

heres a good comparison


(mods, is it okay to link another forum like this ?) dont want a cause a scene ? :smiley:

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Almost nothing in it.

Telrad is bigger footprint and low to the scope unless mounted on a riser but has 0.5, 2 and 4° circles.

Rigel is smaller footprint but naturally a convenient height for viewing, only 0.5 and 2° circles.

I use Rigels because my first scope was a tiddler and FLO didn't stock Telrads at that time. I have a couple of them and 4 or 5 bases spread about my telescopes. I switch them about depending on what equipment I am using. I find them very comfortable to use, even the button cell batteries last years so I feel no need to switch to the Telrad.

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I've had a couple telrads but switched over to Rigels as I simply prefer the smaller foot print. Both do a similar job as has been said so it's basically down to personal preference and having a scope big enough for a telrad if that's the way you intend to go. On another note and in my personal opinion I felt the rigel has a more of a feel of quality to it than the telrad.

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As I said guy it's just my personal opinion and I'm sure there are for and againt both camps. I know what you are saying regards quality and I may have chose my words wrong. My reference was more so to the the feeling you got that first time you laid eyes on the Telrad after you had just parted with £35 ...... that one of is that it ?!?!? The rather oversized black plastic box that looked more suited to coming out of an airfix kit. I don't deny it does it's job very well is durable and intended to last. It should not matter what the package looks like that it comes in but I just felt the Rigel seemed like it has a better overall fit and finish. Not excessively over sized, adjusters neatly situated, OK still the same kind of plastic feel to it but nothing excessive and at least some effort was made at preventing dew.

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