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Storing a telescope near a radiator

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When bringing in from outside I would let the condensation evaporate by keeping it away from a radiator. Once it has reached ambient temp and its clear you can then move it to your storage place.

I'm assuming that its a refrac or mak and you are worried about condensation inside the optics, have you considered a dessicant end cap which will get rid of any humidity within the ota

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When bringing in from outside I would let the condensation evaporate by keeping it away from a radiator. Once it has reached ambient temp and its clear you can then move it to your storage place.

I'm assuming that its a refrac or mak and you are worried about condensation inside the optics, have you considered a dessicant end cap which will get rid of any humidity within the ota

Thanks for the advice, I haven't considered one to be honest but I suppose it would be a worthy purchase.

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I store my 8se about a foot or two away from a radiator. However its in a room that is rarely used. The heating is off more then it is on. Ive never had the lens fog up when i bring it outside because of the storage location.

If possible (storage space wise), store your scope in the coolest room in the house. That way, it will be as near to the ambient outside temp and not need as much cooling down.

What type of scope is it? If it is a refractor then they need almost no cooling down time when outside. By the time you have setup and ready to go it will be cooled.

I doubt if you will get any condensation build up on any scope.

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Regardless of what type of radiator it is (steam, forced hot water, chemical, etc.), placing a scope that close to it puts the scope inside the radiator's heating convection air currents which can suck in all kinds of foreign matter that is damaging to your scope's optics not to mention air born dust and lint. Unless the scope is sealed somehow in an air tight protection, I wouldn't store it within several feet of any heating source.

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