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Surge solar prominence time-lapse


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This time the animation (click on the image) follow the evolution of a surge prominence during 30 minutes of observation.

Images taken with a 100 ed refractor using a Daystar h-alpha filter at a focal of 2400mm.

This is a vary fast event, a surge prominance, an active zone on the disc border that ejects plasma outside the Sun, next to a small arc prominence. The moviment was very fast so I chose to make short time lapse of 30 seconds with captures of 20s to gain few more valid frames. Unfortunately not enough fast infact the zone of ejection is always blured for the moviment too fast but the fenomena is evident and it is a good memo for the future.

I used a very short exposure time during the captures of the video, you can see the spicules at the solar limb as elongated blades; dynamic jet of about 500 km diameter in the chromosphere of the Sun, moves upwards at about 20 km/s from the photosphere and last for about 15 minutes.

If you look at full def in a low light room you can see also on the right piece of plasma falling from the other side of the sun.

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