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Motorised focuser for Celestron SCT.

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I am trying to find some appropriate motor focuser for my C8 SCT but I am not very successful. All I was able to find was Rigel nFocus but it doesn't seem to be available in the UK:


Some information can be found here:


Does anybody have any experience or advice regarding motorised focusers for SCTs and where in the UK I could get them from? Also, can anybody who previously ordered from US tell me how much is it roughly to pay for postage and customs duty?

Thank you.

With regards,


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I have a JMI motor focus for a C11, which works well, but is now redundant as I bought a Crayford focuser which I fitted with a stepper motor and USB driver. It is much better than focussing the main mirror as you don't get any image shift. I can recommend the JMI, but the Crayford is a better if you can run to the expense.

Unfortunately my JMI won't fit your C8, so I understand otherwise I would put it up for sale in the classifieds.

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I haven't used the focuser on my 8SE for a long time, I use a Baader SteelTrack SCT Crayford, it fits directly onto the back of the OTA where the star diagonal would usually go.

I assume that the Baader SteelDrive will fit the Baader SteelTrack SCT Crayford focuser mentioned above, you'd have to ask someone who knows.

A good dual-speed Crayford focuser will reduce the need for a motorised focuser anyway, so you may not need both. The focuser does add quite a bit of weight though, balance is on the edge if you use heavy eyepieces.

Considering that the cost for both would be over £500, I'd probably start with the Baader SteelTrack (not motorised) and see how I get on with that first.

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A cheaper option which a few people have used is a Skywatcher autofocuser, with a band of some sorts.

£45 from FLO


Here's how it fits onto my 8SE. For the pulley and crank I used some of my old bits from a radio controlled car.


I managed o get mine from he sale section here on SGL for £35 inc P+P.

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thank you all for your replies, I am currently considering either JMI motofocus or DIY option with Skywatcher autofocuser as springbok pictured above. I already own that Skywatcher one to use with my C102, so will give it a try before deciding which one to get. Also, I forgot to mention that I need motorised focusing because I want to use a telescope remotely with my NexImage camera (scope outside in the cold and me inside in the warmth :-)). Thanks again for your posts and if you have any more ideas please post them.



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