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how to get larger avis of jupiter into registax

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Hi kind of new to the imaging thing, I have a Skywatcher Mak 127 with an spc900 webcam.

I got some truly awesome footage of Jupiter on the 5th of December(pics below) but I have to split the avi's (using veedub) into no more then 1000 frames to be able to get registax to accept them which is highly frustrating as I've got avi's of 2000+ frames can I do anything to get it to work?

I am really pleased with the pics but i Guess what I'm asking is can I do anything to make them better? I haven't tried a blue filter or anything like that.

thanks for you time & help



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Likewise I haven't had a problem stacking 2000-3000 frame AVIs in Registax 5 or 6.

I'd recommend not using Registax for the alignment or stacking. AutoStakkert 2 has been doing a much better job for me of late. You can then load the stacked TIFF from AS2 into Registax and process the wavelets as normal.

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