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Good afternoon everyone!

I have got all Christmas presents done!! And have a bit of money left over so I'm thinking of purchasing a new EP for myself (as a Christmas present of course!) and was just wondering what you all would do in this position.

I have the standard 10 and 25mm kit EPs that came with the 200p and have a 8mm Vixen NPL and was wondering what would you go to next? I was looking at a 15mm one to fill in the gap between the 10 and 25mm and also maybe try and get some wide angle views with a 30mm (only 1 to choose from I'm afraid! Hah) which one would you go for? Or if there's any other mm EP you'd go for instead, please let me know why you would choose that one. I also have a standard 2x Barlow EP but I'm not really the biggest fan of using a Barlow with the 25mm EP.

I wouldn't mind sticking the NPL EPs as I like the weight and the visual qualities.

Thanks everyone!


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hi tom, if it were my choice ,id opt for a nice low power eyepiece to use on the large objects as well as aiding as a finder. but theres such a choice and much is down to observing preferences.

you may like something between the others you have already,say a 12-15mm. much depends on budget also.

nice position to be in though tom, good luck with your choice.

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hi tom, if it were my choice ,id opt for a nice low power eyepiece to use on the large objects as well as aiding as a finder. but theres such a choice and much is down to observing preferences.

you may like something between the others you have already,say a 12-15mm. much depends on budget also.

nice position to be in though tom, good luck with your choice.

Thanks for the reply Rory. I'm going to have to flip a coin and because between 15mm and 30mm! Hah

Thanks again for your help.


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I would go for a 13-16mm eyepiece myself. I have not used one but BST 60 degree seem to be the must have fashion item at the moment, there is a 15mm version I believe. If I had a pound for every time I heve seen recommendations for these from people that have them I would be a rich man.


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I would go for a 13-16mm eyepiece myself. I have not used one but BST 60 degree seem to be the must have fashion item at the moment, there is a 15mm version I believe. If I had a pound for every time I heve seen recommendations for these from people that have them I would be a rich man.


Probably not as rich as the guys who make the BSTs! :grin:

I have a 32mm GSO for the lowest power but actually my 25mm SW stock EP gets used just as often, so I think really a mid-power EP would be the best plan for the OP. Certainly there's a 15mm BST available so that might be a good option. I love my 18mm, the glass at the "eye" end is bigger than the 25mm SW, a real pleasure to use. But I have a slow FL scope (F/8), so I don't know how well the BSTs perform at the edge of the fov in faster Newtonians like the 200P skyliner (which I believe is about f/5). :smiley:

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My favourite mid-power EP is the 18 mm BST, it has 60 deg of APOV!

You can't always Barlow a low power ep like the 30mm. But for choices I would still get a 30mm (wide field if you can) as this will give great panoramic views of the night sky. Besides in a 200P you are missing an aweful lot if youy don't utilize the great optics to the fullest extent. You can always get an 18mm BST/StarGuider later, but try the 30mm first.

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True Robin. A low power wide field EP is an essential component of every astronomer's kit. The GSO 32mm is very nice, and as the OP likes the Vixen NPL the 30mm in that range comes very highly recommended. I've heard it has slightly better contrast than the GSO.

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Thank you all so much! I've decided on going to the 30mm Vixen and then later on when funds are available I'll pickup a 15-18mm Vixen just to keep it as a set, if you like.

Again, thank you very much for your help. Really is appreciated!


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