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3rd attempt at M31, Slowly getting there


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Morning SGL,

last night I was luckily enough to capture M31 just after sunset, I managed to capture 48 minutes worth of data before the clouds decided to bring an end to my imaging session. ( still patiently waiting for a full clear night ) :sad:

With this shot i decided to up the iso to 1600, as i was having a little trouble with tracking, and with the clouds slowly rolling in I didnt really want to waste what little time i had trying to sort it out.

This shot comprises of 48 lights at 1600iso, for 60secs, 25 darks, 25 bias, and 25 flats ( yep finaly decided it was time to start using them ) :smiley:

stacked in dss and a very quick attempt at processing, also resized and saved as png for uploading on to the site.

Hopefully when I get anouther clear night I can get some more data to try sort out the SNR, and will I will try to get some shorter exposures for the core detail.

Thank you for looking



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Thank you Gina, I might re-process the data when i have a bit more time as the core isn't as good as it can be.

hopefully when i next get a clear night i will work on getting the core detail to add to this as well as more data for the fainter parts but i could be waiting for some time lol

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