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First Jupiter image


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Got out with the scope in between cooking and going out drinking. I've been wanting to get Jupiter under my belt for ages but it's always gone horribly wrong. Trawled some forums, make some adjustments to my settings and got this! Used an spc 900nc with a Nestar 130 SLT and a 2x barlow. Got the planet with gain turned right down, and then ramped it up for the moons. The image here is a composite of the two. Really pleased with it but if you guys can make suggestions for improvements I'm all ears. Cheers!


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Looks good to me. I do like the 130mm Reflectors but found they need short focal length EP's to get any kind of decent magnification so I am wondering if it might pay to get a cheap x3 barlow. Might be worth a try but I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong and it's not worth it ??

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Spaceboy, I wouldn't bother with cheap barlows. I bought a cheap 3x lens and it's possibly my biggest mistake, I've used it once and found it to be more of a hinderance. I'd always suggest spending a bit more and getting good quality optics.

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