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Tonight: First time guiding.....


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So, later on going to try guiding first time and using my new FR/FL - gulp..... Mount and ED80 and ST80 outside now cooling to ambient. PC has drivers for QHY5 etc all loaded up and tested and ready to go. So "just" a question of getting the workflow sorted out.

Also going to try my new modded 450d for first time... :)

Wish me well - lets hope the clear sky lasts!

Rgds, Steve

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Lol.... Thanks guys :) I hear there is a steep learning curve for guiding so as long as clear sky lasts will spend all evening playing at it. Infact quite a few new things to fathom out tonight...

Recently upgraded from HEQ5 to NEQ6 - first time tonight.

First time use of Canon 450d modded camera

First time use of FR/FF

First time use of ST80 guidescope and QHY5 guidecam and PHD software

So a lot of new things up in the air !!! All part of the fun though ! :)

Rgds, Steve

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All seems to be going well. Quick question though Please ?Do you have to recalibrate the guiding after slewing to a new object? And also, you do the guiding setup bit AFTER getting the object perfectly framed? It's the last thing you do before setting the camera rolling?

Thanks steve

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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All going very well :) Wow isn't it sensitive! My graph is oscillating about the centre axis just slightly and the QHY5 flickering when it does a correction. The merest touch of the scope and you hear the windows "bong" noise and the graph goes wild on the vertical axis as PHD tries to correct! :)

Come in now for a bit whilst system is grabbing M33. Mu issue now is the moon is now coming up and washing out my pictures :mad:

Oh well. Webcam out next ;-)

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All seems to be going well. Quick question though Please ?Do you have to recalibrate the guiding after slewing to a new object? And also, you do the guiding setup bit AFTER getting the object perfectly framed? It's the last thing you do before setting the camera rolling?

Thanks steve

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The simple answer is yes, unless new target is same DEC as old target and on the same side of the meridian...... I calibrate guideing first before final centreing

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The simple answer is yes, unless new target is same DEC as old target and on the same side of the meridian...... I calibrate guideing first before final centreing

Thanks. When calibrating it takes about 4 minutes-ish on my system doing about 30 odd nudges N.W,S and E. Then says "guding" and the graphs starts rolling. Interesting stuff this !! :)

So I take it that if I slew to a new object the workflow is to stop guiding, slew, frame and center object, start PHD again, wait for it to be "guiding" and then let the camera roll ? That matches up with other folk's workflow?

Thanks, Steve

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Thanks. When calibrating it takes about 4 minutes-ish on my system doing about 30 odd nudges N.W,S and E. Then says "guding" and the graphs starts rolling. Interesting stuff this !! :)

So I take it that if I slew to a new object the workflow is to stop guiding, slew, frame and center object, start PHD again, wait for it to be "guiding" and then let the camera roll ? That matches up with other folk's workflow?

Thanks, Steve

I recommend you increase your calibration step until you only need around 10-15 "nudges" and I use 3 sec subs. When you start PHD again remember to tick the force calibration box in the brain to make it recalibrate for the new target.

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