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First M45

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This is my first attempt at M45 and considering the subs I'm surprised by the result, it's not perfect by any means and I did get sidetracked creating a spike tool whilst processing but it's better than I thought. I'm not sure how much more could come out of it as it is the processing which I find the hardest so if anyone wants to have a play just ask and I can put the original stacked .TIF in dropbox or something.

There are 36 minutes of 30 second subs at ISO800, f5.6 and about the same number of darks.

Any comments and advice is more than welcome as I'd love to improve it if I can. :)


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Thanks Baz and Richard. :)

I think it's more flaring with the lens and chromatic aberration than condensation, I can't be sure but I don't recall any moisture around. it's on the right hand side and in the center a bit too which is why I think it looks better resized smaller than the full image.

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I have redone it a little and managed more detail but at the cost of some colour and it's starting to look a bit painted. I'm shocked at how much detail is in there to be honest.

I want to try a couple more adjustments when I get the time as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Its a better first attempt than mine was. I think you will find that its supposed to look painted. Some of the better M45 images look like they have litterally been painted with a big blue brush. Its an effect I haven't quite acheived yet as I cannot seem to bring out the blueness. (is that a word)

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Cheers Allan. :)

Blueness will do, we know what you mean anyway. But yeah you're right, recently there have been some absolute spectacular M45s and I can see what you mean about the brush effect.

I was really surprised with how much I could pull out of it, after reading a couple of tutorials I spent a bit more time stretching the curves and levels and I must be on the right path as it enhanced it a bit.

I'm currently reading through 'Making Every Photon Count' so I'm hoping to find some good tips in there to utilise.

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Good start:) flats will help improve things by getting rid of the vignetting which is the bright circular centre to the image. If you take flats you'll be able to stretch the image more in levels and curves without this bright centre flaring up as you try and bring out the reflection nebula. Still your first image is much better than my first so I think you've made a promising start well done:)

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Thanks. :)

Flats are on my to do list, I never had much success with them to be honest. Next time I'm going to just throw a shirt over the lens and hold the LED torch up and see what happens, I might even put the laptop on notepad and see if there is any difference between the two sets.

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