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My M33


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I think this came out quite nice ! Was done 12-13 October in quite light polluted sky (my suburban back garden)

40 mins (20x 120s) of ISO 800, 10 darks and 20 BIAS. Unguided and no flats or flattener. HEQ5 and ED80. No filters. Only processing is just tweaking the curves and levels.

Quite pleased with it :) Thanks for everyone's ongoing advice, assistance and encouragement.

What would I need to do to really bring it to life? More data I think? I see some guys where there is loads of colour in the picture...

I really love this activity!!! If only our weather was kinder to us!


Rgds, Steve

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve, only just found this one. This is great. I have just picked up an xbox webcam to get me started with the imaging. I see from other posts you have started guiding. I look forward to seeing your results.

Kind regards


Sent from my galaxy s3 using tapatalk 2

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Super result. Very well done.

To take it further, two immediate things.

1) Colour balance. There's a lot of green in there. You could try the free Ps plug-in Hasta La Vista Green (Deep Sky Colors website) or just clip back the green a little or lower the green curve but not the other two.

2) More data. (No one ever had too much...)

I agree with you about the addictive and absorbing nature of this (insane) activity!


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Very good start and already a nice image :) This is a tricky one and needs an enormous amount of data. It also needs some very careful processing to bring out the detail with judicious use of curves, including the individual colours, as has been mentioned.

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