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First light for my new scope


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Here are the results of the first light for my new (second hand) scope - TOA-130S :rolleyes:

I wanted to get more data from it, but the weather is not cooperating, so here is what I gathered on our Autumn astro party last month

From the first night the finished image is... M33


All image details are in the AstroBin technical card but in short they are : 33x420s @ ISO 1600, Canon 550D (modified), Tak-EM200, APT, PHD, DSS, PS

This night I started NGC 1333 with the idea to finish it in the next night, but didn't have this luck. Still hope to gather few more hours. Here is a working version


Next night started with Moon and wholes in the clouds which allowed to get a modest image of NGC 663 while waiting the Moon and cloused to get out. Around 2:00 everything finished with total clouds cover and no other data...


9x180s @ ISO 400, Canon 550D (modified), Tak-EM200, APT, PHD, DSS, PS

These are not the best images, but I think that are a good start :)

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