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What on is that hole for??

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If I am understanding you correctly it's the so called moon filter. With the cap on the scope, remove the cap over the small hole and you will see everything, but less brightly. It's like stopping down a camera lens (or the iris closing in the eye).

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I think it's for what matts done.

I can't see the point in closing down the aperture for anything else. By stopping down the aperture you would lose resolution on the moon and planets and not see so much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It's what Helen said. Other than reducing light, stopping down aperture (increasing focal ratio) is a way of reducing aberration. My refractor has a similar two piece cap for that reason. On the frac the smaller hole is concentric, the reason it's off-centre on a reflector cap is because of the central obstruction caused by the secondary mirror. In days of yore it was standard to stop down the aperture of a refractor as a way of reducing aberration (many refractors would have a baffle fitted that did this permanently).

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