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Looking for the best bet.

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I've got £50 to spend on a low price digital camera. I want to use it for a-focal imaging and general use. But i'd also like 1 that i can easily remove the lens and try prime focus through the scope also. There's tons to choose from, coolpix, easyshare yada yada. Has anyone had success with any of these types?


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I have tried a good few digital camera`s for A-focal, and the best i found was the pentax optio range, i got a T30 used from feebay as it has remote shutter control, but on all point and shoot camera`s the lens is not removable for prime focus

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When you say 'remove the lens' do you mean it having that as a designed facility or you are willing to take a 'dremmel' or similar to it and cut the lens out permantly?

I ask because I am not aware of any £50 new camera that will do that. Unless there is some specialist kit out there I am unaware of to get dismountable lenses (designed so you can change lenses ) you will need to get a DSLR or one of the new breed of mini interchangables e.g. Pentax Q. Both of those options would be way over £50.

The cheapest way to get one is to buy secondhand, I only know about Pentax where even the very first models they did ( istD, istD*, K100D) are more towards the c. £100 level. However, Canon / Nikon may be cheaper on e-bay as there are so many more of them around.

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Thanks for the replies,

The thought did hit me after i posted this. It's not just a case of getting straight to the sensor, controlling the camera won't be easy if at all possible for astro work. So i'll have a root round fleabay to see what i can find. If can get hold of a decent body maybe i can add a lens kit later on.


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