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Sun in white light 12 midday 11th November


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Nice. Yet again the clouds have cheated me today. I don't have a large window of opportunity before the trees get in the way. Still, if the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will have to go to the mountain. Or the trees. With a chainsaw :)


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Chainsaw would be best James, otherwise Mohammed will constantly have to go to the mountain!! :grin:

I know what you mean about window of opportunity - at this time of the year the sun is so low that the roofs get in the way - well, to be honest at the mo it just skims along the rooftops, but in a week or so it will be below them, then I will have to have the tripod on full extension and won't be able to see into the viewfinder as the scope will be near horizontal (and I am 6'7"!!), I knew I bought that right angled finder for some reason.

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