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Eclipse 2008 - time to start saving?


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I've seen two solar Eclipses. France '99 and Turkey '06. I reckon you have to see at least three before you can call yourself an eclipse chaser with any credibility. So I'm up for the 2008 one.

The cheapest trip I've found is around a thousand pound, to somewhere in Russia. It's gonna be an expensive one for UK Eclipse nutters I fear.

Anyone got any plans for this one? Any thoughts?

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The parts of China that fall within the eclipse path are a long way from the normal airports - which are mostly along the East Coast. This would mean a lengthy trip internally across china. Which I think would be a giggle.

Oasis, do some really good deals - I flew to HK with Oasis and it cost £586 - which I didn't think was too bad. But then of course you have the internal flight or a road trip!

Russis may actually be a better bet.


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Novosibirsk is bang on the path


And, that's where TAL telescopes are made!

Take the Trans-Siberian train...

Here's a four day Russian trip package to Novosibirsk


It's the cheapest package I've found so far. I'll keep looking though . .

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Just a quickie, but isn't there a really long totality due to occur in Sth Africa coming up the nxt cple of yrs- I heard approx '7mins ?

Just looked in my Eclipse book and there are a couple of long Eclipses due 22nd July 2009 (6.5 mins) Eastern Aisa and 2027 Northern Africa. These are part of a group of Eclipses called the 'saros cycle', (never heard of that before!).

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Mmmmm....one i would like to go and see belongs to Saros 136.....last seen july 1991 to return 22nd july 2009

As its mature in its cycle it can provide up to 7 minutes of totality (thats about two eclipses for the price of one)

The Saros Cycles repeat every 6585 days and last years which i was lucky enough to see belonged to Saros 139.


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Yes it is..! It would probably be cheaper if you planned well in advance and went to India - I know of people who've made return trips for 250 quid.. Ofcourse- decent four star accommodation is none too expensive in India.



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  • 2 weeks later...

We could always use your place as a base camp!! I mean, it can't be that far....how big can one country be??? :D

According to my estimate from Moscow to Novosibirsk (in the total eclipse path) is 2090 miles and around 40 hour drive... :lol:


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According to my estimate from Moscow to Novosibirsk (in the total eclipse path) is 2090 miles and around 40 hour drive... :D


Driving what? 2090 / 120 = 17 hours

In a transit van it could be doable in 28 hours (if there are any roads).

This is based on watching too much Top Gear BTW.

Kaptain Klevtsov

I was rather hoping that the scope might remain collimated during the journey :lol: At that pace it's unlikely to remain inside the car Van :shock: !

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Ok ive made the desicion to go by train and see some of Russia on the way. It will be my first total eclipse so me and my girlfriend are looking forward to it already and you never know might meet some of you from here at the same time :D

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  • 1 month later...

Only just spotted this thread but I consider myself an eclipse chaser - well members of my group say so, as I have been to several over the last few years. Bulgaria in '99 started me off, the whole occasion blew me away! The one in July next year is only a short eclipse and heads through Russia - already mentioned - and heads down toward Beijing near to when they hold the Olympics! The best price I have seen is onthegotours.com a4 day eclipse tour at £579. The big one is the year after that goes right through China and into the Pacific Ocean and lasts around 6 1/2 Min's. I've been told by my better half (whom I have to keep happy) that we can go to one but not both, so we are going to China in July '09.


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