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The New CCD Astronomy book by Ron Wodaski


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If it's that good I might be tempted to wait for the new edition next year. I'm guessing a fair bit has changed in ten years.


I've read that book and was impressed and learned quite a lot. Possibly some aspects of the current edition are now a bit dated (CCDs and astro gear in general has progress quite a bit in the last decade), so am delighted to hear that a new edition is on its way.

£18.66 is a good price for those who want this edition, it used to be around £50 IRIC.

Definitely will be putting the new edition on my wishlist.

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I was disappointed with aresponse to their forum last year.

Being on a pension after finishing work on health grouonds I reckoned that the highest budget I could outlay would be $1000, and asked if it would be better to upgrade scope, buy software or buy a more expensive camera ( instead of a standard DSLR i lready have, or een a philips webcam, which I also have).

Mr W.'s response was that I should not cut corners but spend more on both, not restricting myself to my budget.

I ahd assumed that 'the new CCD' mean users new to CCD, apparently I was mistaken - CCD was new a decade or so back and his group has kept the name whilst using

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