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PSP 2012 - Imaging Talks Feedback?


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HI all

Just wondered if anyone has some feedback on the talks that Simon and I presented on the Sunday Imaging Day?

We have to be honest, we thought we would struggle for material, but with the Sun playing it's part and Simon doing LIVE demo's (!!) we obviously ran out of time!!!

So, what did you like, what didn't you like, did you like the format, what else would you liked to have seen, etc, etc.


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Hi Daz,

I only attended the talk that Simon (Nomis Elfactem) gave, nothing personal, just had to be somewhere else. It was really informative. I thought that the pace was just right and the delivery was clear and concise. It was, as you alluded to, excellent that the sol played ball and enabled a live imaging demonstration. I certainly learnt a few things about Registax, namely using dark frames. i never knew you could do that :grin:

I thoroughly enjoyed this years PSP for a multitude of reasons other than viewing or imagaing (I hardly did any of that!). It was the talks and information that i was able to glean from like minded but better informed / experienced individuals.

Thanks again to all concerned.


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Hi Daz...

(for those who don't know, I'm an admin on UKAI, but me Daz for the 1st time at PSP....)

I sat in with yours & Simon's intro talk session... I thought that you both fed off each other really well - remember... there was NO prior rehearsal between these 2 guys (I don't think they had met until this weekend, if I am correct) - I did like the way the flow moved between you 2 during the talk very well. Just the right amount of detail in this session to spark the interest on what was coming and a distinct lack of "errss" & "ummmss" which are normally present in impromptu sessions like this. I learned my trade as an analyst programmer & understand these phonetic distractions!

I looked around a number of times, and the 20 - 30 people who were sat on their "bails of hay" were very attentative... all good signs... The questions asked were answered in a confident & accurate manner, and were nicely complimented by the Powerpoint presentation(s).

I did want to sit in on both follow-up sessions but was unable as I had volunteered to be available for anyone wanting to know about PixInsight ( thanks to those 2 or 3 who turned up afterwards - hope it helped).

I really do hope some more of these can happen in the future as it very well demonstrated that like-minded forums can offer a combined & useful contribution to everyone.

Nice 1, Daz... looking fwd to PSP 2013!


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Due to the amount of running around I was doing at the star party I didn't get to see Simons talk but did catch most of yours. The people attending were all hooked on what was being said and I found the pace of the talk very steady and nice and easy to follow.

It was clear to me that the talks had been well thought out and pitched just right, with enough visual aids to get the message across and achieve what it set out to do I.e. giving people an idea of where/ how to start imaging. That said I think even some of the seasoned astrophotography’s gain a few tips I think it’s important to remember that we are all amateur astronomers and we all benefit from keep going over/learning the basics of our craft.

You are right when you say the live viewing was a great hit. There were plenty of OOO’s and ARRRs in the court yard. I think it’s great when people are able to view in groups and see things, or through kit, they have not seen before.

As people were leaving many were saying how much they had enjoyed the whole weekend. I guess this is the true measure of the amount of work you guys put in for us. Most are already waiting for our booking systems to go live again.

We have some exciting items planned for PSP 2013 and I am sure James will be dropping yourself and Simon a message once he sorts the website.

It’s big thumbs up and a huge THANK YOU from me. You both did a great job for the astronomy community. :grin::icon_salut::headbang:


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