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Jupiter 27 Oct. - 4" mono


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Celestron NexStar 4SE + 2x barlow (2650mm f/26), DMK41. Best 10% of 1000+ frames. Wish I had a colour sensor about now...

Processing: Pre-process in PIPP, stack in AS!2 at 1.5x, wavelets in Registax 5, finish off in Photoshop Elements.

I had to look it up, but the blob at around 11 o'clock position is Ganymede, and the speck to the left is Io.

Any tips for improved imaging? I got the DMK41 primarily for solar/lunar and not planetary, so it isn't really built for speed and massive numbers of frames. Is a better strategy to go for longer exposures (to 1/15s) at low gain, or shorter exposures (1/100s or shorter?) at high gain - given that the camera tops out at 15 fps and seeing wasn't great? I forgot the exact settings but I think I tried shorter exposures at higher gain on this one in the hopes it would help with seeing related effects. Or maybe I could pick up a cheap colour planetary cam... I notice the QHY5 seems to have a 50fps crop mode which could have been useful... one to try next time!

The wheels are in motion on new optics which would help in future too...

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I did have a quick go with a new scope the other night. 8" SCT, again with 2x barlow. There was enough cloud to confuse AS!2, so I had to switch to avistack on default settings so no drizzle this time. Above two are with different degrees of wavelets applied, upper one is manually done with registax, lower one is default setting on avistack. I know I need to optimise that a lot more than the quick play above.

I'm looking to get RGB filters and a wheel for them so I can go for colour next...

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