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White light Sun, 4th October


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The weather has been massively changeable today, but I managed to sneak out for half an hour or so when it wasn't looking, set everything up, get my images, take everything down and get inside before it starting pouring down a few minutes later. Quite odd that whilst it's very breezy the seeing seemed very clear and steady, yet last night when I was taking some shots of the Moon the air was totally calm and the atmosphere was as turbulent as a turbulent thing.

Anyhow... Took 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, dropped a few because of cloud and stacked 50 in Registax v6 at a quality level of 97%. I'm quite pleased with the results. The full size (2800x2800) image even has clear detail inside the sunspots which has unfortunately been lost in shrinking them down to make them a little more download-friendly. I'll sort out a crop and post it later. Very scruffy-looking set of spots on the lower left limb, too. It'll be interesting to see what happens with them.



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I was genuinely lucky to be out as long as I was, to be honest. I decided to set up at about 12:10 because we seemed to be near the start of an unusually large blue patch, was done with everything by about 12:40 and by 12:45 it was absolutely hammering down. A lot of the time I wouldn't even have attempted it, but it's been a slow day work-wise and I've been "home alone" nearly all day so could just get on. The weather has been utterly random ever since.


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