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telrad dew shield +mirror

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i have come to a decision on getting a telrad not rigel purley because in review it says its stronger/robust and i am clumsy so tought it would be best bet but i dont no wether to get the dew shield and mirror with it seems expensive any thoughts

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You can make a dew shield for almost nothing - out of a bit of thin foam sheet as sold in childrens' artist supplies. A bespoke dew heater can be made from a resistor, battery and switch for a few pence - there is a thread somewhere in the DIY section - I'll have a look for it later.

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Sam you can't possibly be as inept at DIY as me , built with the help of a mate an 8ft remote controlled helium blimp many years ago . All test were fine in the confines of local scout hut . Took it out for maiden trip and off it went , up, up,up over the skies of north London and never seen again , did report it to the civil aviation authority just incase it might cause a problem . Once they had stopped laughing they thanked us for the phone call ;)

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I bought a Telrad once with the mirror / dew shield on and hated it. sold the mirror/dew shield and retained the Telrad.

I just use a cheapie plastic cover and works well. might eventually rig up a resistor based heater though as it does bug when it dews up and it's much nicer when it can be used with no shield.

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