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Atik 460EX first light


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Finally managed to get a decent evenings's imaging last Thursday, though curtailed due to work the next day :( This is my first imaging run with my new Atik, and is a combination of 9 x 10 minute exposures in H-alpha, through a Skywatcher ED80, processed in Pixinsight. Although the raws were lovely, I had no idea how blown away I would be simply by the unprocessed stack. Currently jumping up and down with happiness- just can't wait for my next clear night... Any comments gratefully received.



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Great image from a great camera :) BUT I'm another who can't afford one! :( Just a poor old age pensioner! (but young in mind :D) I'm currently saving up for an Atik 314L+ and that will take me many months - maybe early next year, with luck :)

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Welcome to the forum.

And what a first image to post ! It's incredible as you haven't processed it yet. Bet you can't wait ?

I hope this isn't your first ever imaging run because if it is I'm retiring in disgrace :)


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No, I have spent a long time working with my modded Canon and the Atik 314L+! I don't think my original post was clear enough, this image is stacked and processed, but I haven't had chance to add any other data to it yet.

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Thank you, Olly! I am over the moon with the camera, as you can imagine! I couldn't believe it when I saw what it had achieved in such a short space of time. By the way, Dave is asking if you would like to buy an Atik 314L+? lol

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Thank you, Olly! I am over the moon with the camera, as you can imagine! I couldn't believe it when I saw what it had achieved in such a short space of time. By the way, Dave is asking if you would like to buy an Atik 314L+? lol

Heh heh, but anyone wanting to image with the joys of a Sony chip could do a lot worse...


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