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My first Jupiter from 15th September


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Lots of great images on here which put this to shame, but this is my best attempt yet. It's lacking colour unfortunately - if anyone has any clues as to why, I'm all ears!

3000 frames recorded, unsure how many stacked.

Celestron Astromaster 130eq manual tracking, with an XBox "Cliff" web cam.

Not bad for £4

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Well it's a start! And when I look back at what I started with it's not bad :)

I got myself the xbox cam but I haven't used it yet so not sure what you can do to control it unfortunately. But you certainly should be able to get colour images. What software did you use for the capture? And was it Registax you processed it in? and were you using a barlow? Lots of questions but if we know what you did we can give you some useful pointers to improve things :)

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Well it's a start! And when I look back at what I started with it's not bad :)

I got myself the xbox cam but I haven't used it yet so not sure what you can do to control it unfortunately. But you certainly should be able to get colour images. What software did you use for the capture? And was it Registax you processed it in? and were you using a barlow? Lots of questions but if we know what you did we can give you some useful pointers to improve things :)

Thanks for the comments, I used Sharp Cap, and stacked in Registax. I used a Celestron 2x Barlow and had fun with the manual tracking! My captures before were a fuzzy blob, but once I had moved layer 1, 2 and 3 wavelets slider I could see more details as in the image, but have not managed to see any colour. The capture was 3000 frames taken at about 12am on Saturday night.

I know it's never going to be the best telescope for capturing images, but even at that small scale I find it fascinating.

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Any idea how I get to see some colour from my processing? I think Registax stacked about 1700 images..... is that too many?

Let me know!

I,m far from an expert. In fact I just begun, but my guess would be to try more saturation when recording. Good picture.

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What capture software are you using ?

I bought an ASDA web cam, completed the modification and and tested on a tree at about half a mile away.

The software supplied is AmCap, for some reason Registax won't see the file and I can't seem to change the clip to an AVI

Any tips on an alternative capture software ?

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What capture software are you using ?

I bought an ASDA web cam, completed the modification and and tested on a tree at about half a mile away.

The software supplied is AmCap, for some reason Registax won't see the file and I can't seem to change the clip to an AVI

Any tips on an alternative capture software ?

I use SharpCap and Registax. SharpCap will record an AVI and you open that up in Registax and can process from then onwards.

It took me about 4 nights to work out how to capture the right sort of image, although I'd still prefer it to be in colour!!

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Good image for your first. To me, the image looks as though it is in colour however due to it being small, it doesn't show as it is not big enough however I could be wrong.

Someone mentioned that I should try more gain in Sharpcap - while I cannot remember the settings I used, would I be correct in assuming that gain increases the light data the webcam captures?

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After reprocessing the orignal avi file, I managed to come up with this that shows some colour and possibly more details. Although a poor image compared to many of the others on this site, I find it fascinating how much detail even a small telescope can see.





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