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M45 Pleiades widefield

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Taken with Canon 350D and 200mm f/2.8L piggybacked on SkyWatcher 120mm refractor, EQ5, manually tracked. Stack of 3x15s and 4x20s, f/4.5, ISO-1600. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker and tweaked in PhotoShop CS2.


(click to enlarge)

Any comments welcome!


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Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I was quite pleased with this shot.

KK, if I wanted more nebulosity to show up, would I need to stack longer exposures, or would more short ones also work? I'm tracking manually, so longer ones are quite problematic... ;)



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Don't know mate. I've tried allsorts and never got any nebulosity.

Ah, OK, I just assumed from your comment that you had done so! Maybe its just a smudge on the front of my lens - with a 2 year old daughter, anything is possible! :wink: I'm going to try some longer exposures the next time the sky is clear, which from the look of things might be next year sometime ;)


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Hi Trev , thats alovely wide field image ,and yes the nebulosity is just coming through ,i,m guessing the 350d is unmodded in which case the reflection nebula should come through pretty good , but i think you will need at least a minute subs, could try 45 secs ,

i enclose an image i done at 60sec subs .



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Thanks KK and Roger. Yes, the 350d is unmodded (as its intended for normal daytime use and I've "borrowed" it for use at night ;)) I'm going to try longer subs to see if I can get any more nebulosity (provided the LP doesn't get too bad in a longer exposure - I've never tried anything longer than about 25s)

Thanks again


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Had a busy last few days and have just caught up with this thread. I think you do have traces of nebulosity showing through as KK says in what is a very good image indeed. Nice sharp stars too......mine are alway blobby. ;)

I tried a little enhancement in PS,basically luminescence and contrast which does I think bring out the detail a little more. Might be worth your while to have another bash Trev as I've only done a quick job and you may be able to do better working with the original.



(click for bigger one)

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