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Got Friday off and the skies look fantastic.


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Went out last night in the back garden only for the second time since may really and had a great hour or two whilst adding m34 to my meagre messier collection.also picked up the ring nebula in Lyra which pleased me most as managed to do it w itch just star hopping for the first time really. Couldnt really get any very focused views with my 8mm lens though for some reason..whether the seeing was not that great or the scope is not as well collimated as I thought it was after flocking I'm not sure. Tonight heading into the darkness in the mountains in Brecon..can't wait,my garden has a restricted north view but where I'm heading is dark and panoramic and for once the weather seems to want to play with us this weekend. One last thing managed to see the milky way from my garden in the s Wales valleys, absolutely over the moon with that..it's a pretty rare occurrence for sure here. Hope the s Wales gang have a great night out tomorrow which unfortunately I cant make and astronomers everywhere can get to take advantage this weekend after he serious star drought of the British summer months.

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Where I was the seeing wasn't paricularly great, so that could have been the issue with your 8mm.

The sky never seemed to get dark last night, and I was hampered with the occassional band of cloud that wasn't forecast appearing. The cloud finally appeared and then the moon appeared from behind the house illuminating the sky so that shot any chances of deep sky objects after that :lol:

I finished off looking at the moon and it was shimmering a heck of a lot more than I have seen for a long time, probably due to the heat we had had during the day.

Pleased you got a good evenings view! I was trying for M72 and M73, but couldn't see a thing, even though I know I was in the right place.

My quest continues!

Good luck in Brecon tonight! I'm a little envious! :p

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Good luck tonight , ain't been out much myself , had a good look at the moon the other night but cloud cover has been horrendous , tested my setting circle on the ring nebula and found it so was chuffed with that but just wanting the moon to go down and dark nights to come , just looked and Saturday night is forecast clear here . . But am at a party , will have to remember not to get the scope out when full of beer.

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Thanks folks..gorgeous day here all day, just waiting to lift off now but knowing how cold it got last night just holding off before the extra pair of socks get added. Can't wait...hoping for another 2 tonight...hope everyone else has a slice of this great weather this weekend.

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I've just been having a go at the sun Steve. Lots of activity, but lots of shimmer too. Hopefully it'll calm down later when it gets cold. We're off to Pembrokeshire for a few days tomorrow so hoping for a real Milky Way fix there on Saturday :grin:


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It will be stunning down Pembrokeshire Helen, beautiful dark skies down that part of the world. As for last night.....great to get out and up until about 11 pm the skies were clear overhead but pretty much spoilt by the dew and moisture...everything was completely soaking when we finished and by the end, although for a long time we had stunning views of the milky way above us the stars had disappeared in the mist.. Very disappointing. Never mind the best months are stretching out in front of us.

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