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Outside Storage?


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My Permissions Officer has ordered me to make alternative arrangements for the astro kit that is in the corner of our lounge, and I was wondering if anyone out there keeps their scopes outside? I am considering a plastic seat storage box thingy that would take my Celestron 8 SE and EQ5 mount but I still have cold feet about keeping it outside. Anybody got any other ideas or are keeping their kit in a similar environment?

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I keep my dob outside in a plastic shed. Has been out there for four years (ish) now and I have not seen any detrimental effects (other than occasionally having to evict 6 or 8 legged squatters). There are some pictures in my profile if your interested.

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I keep my EQ2 mount in a plastic storage box in my allotment shed.This is my observing spot,as we live in an upstairs flat (the wife referred to it as an 'apartment' last week-my reply was "No dear,we're British-it's a flat".).The OTA lives in a 90 litre rucksack,that travels on my back,as we don't have a car.The box has a Poundland barbeque cover,and I'm experimenting with those crystal type de-humidifiers and GT85 to combat any damp.

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Mine is "Semi-permanently" set up outside. I've given it a good "slushing" with a silicone grease soaked cloth and uncover it whenevr I can to fondle it and let it breath :grin: The cover is a large BBQ cover. I believe Green Witch do a purpose made cover. Hopefully I will have some sort of observatory in the future.


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DOes nobody have any problems with damp in the electronics? my biggest bug bare is the time spent setting up, which is leading me towards solar observing, but if it could be left out safely it may be an option. What sort of protection does such a cover offer?? Any advice appreciated.

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DOes nobody have any problems with damp in the electronics? my biggest bug bare is the time spent setting up, which is leading me towards solar observing, but if it could be left out safely it may be an option. What sort of protection does such a cover offer?? Any advice appreciated.

As yet "electronics" are untested. Motor still working OK (although disconnected from drive at the moment). I would imagine that the typically "robust" Russian design is less subject to the elements than some of it's more sophisticated counterparts :tongue:

I guess time will tell.


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My Permissions Officer has ordered me to make alternative arrangements for the astro kit that is in the corner of our lounge,
It sounds to me like you've just been given permission to build an observatory. I'd get in there quick before anyone has second thoughts. :evil:
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