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Can you use a Slow Scope for good AP?

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I own a Celestron Nexstar6SE, and am looking at buying a CG-5 mount to try my hand at AP with a DSLR. But i'm reading that the faster the focal ratio the better for AP. Since mine is an f/10 would that limit my ability to make decent pictures? Or would it just make it harder/different and not necessarily useless?

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You are correct in your assumption that f/10 is very slow - I'm assuming you want to photograph DSO's? You can get focal reducers that will take your scope to around f/6 (I think!) - have a word with your local reputable Celestron dealer. Like this one: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/reducersflatteners/celestron-f63-focal-reducer.html.

Is your on the altazimuth mount - the single arm type? This will cause more problems for Photography as you will get field rotation (the field of view will rotate with time) - so the CG5 mount will be essential before you start.

If you want to take pictures of the Moon or Sun then your scope mount is fine for DSLR work - you may even want to try a 2x barlow to get to f/20!!

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