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Harpenden- Petition- Turn our Street Lights Back on!!!


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Has anyone nowadays heard of a torch? Why should the councils have to fork out billions in wasted light which annoys all amateur astronomers and obscures the night sky just so people don't have to go out with more care and some form of light if they really need it.

Not to mention that street lighting is bad for animals and insects :angel:.

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Just sitting at my desk at work and through the window I can see 24 street lights and this is not a populated area. Surely something has got to give. I would not complain but I only live a stone throw from here. Its just too much. Petition starting to sound like a plan I think.

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I live in Herts, Harpenden is in Herts, the people to whom this relates are therefore in Herts, it is the people of Harpenden that are asking for the lights to be put back on.

Why is it therefore someone from Powys/Warwickshire bringing this up.

I do not decide what I think the people of either Powys or Warwickshire should have imposed or removed on them.

Part of the complaint by the people of Harpenden is that they were not consulted (10), now someone from 120 miles away or more is trying to get a counter petition, equally without any regards to the people that actually live there.

You are of course working as hard to get the light pollution of Coventry, Royal Lemington Spa and Rugby reduced, where is the petition that you started for these ?

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Why should it matter where someone lives when it comes to raising an issue that may be important to readers elsewhere and providing them with information to do something about it?

The person who has started the counter-petition lives in Hertfordshire.


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We have approval from Herts, I'll also post in the local section in the forum, petition opens tomorrow on the 25th. Maybe "we" the members can use this experience to benefit everyone.

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I live in Herts, Harpenden is in Herts, the people to whom this relates are therefore in Herts, it is the people of Harpenden that are asking for the lights to be put back on.

Why is it therefore someone from Powys/Warwickshire bringing this up.

I do not decide what I think the people of either Powys or Warwickshire should have imposed or removed on them.

Part of the complaint by the people of Harpenden is that they were not consulted (10), now someone from 120 miles away or more is trying to get a counter petition, equally without any regards to the people that actually live there.

You are of course working as hard to get the light pollution of Coventry, Royal Lemington Spa and Rugby reduced, where is the petition that you started for these ?

Correct me if I'm wrong but Light Pollution is a Global problem not limited the UK or even Harpenden. When I see knee jerk recations on the internet to what has so far been good progress in councils attempting to reduce light pollution I'm always concerned. This is why I have alerted anyone on SGL who is a Hertfordshire astronomer to events going around them in case they were not aware of the 'switch the lights back on' petition. It is up to Hertfordshire astromnomers to do something about this if they want to- not me, I don't live there.

And yes- I'm very active in my own areas, thank you. The 'Big Switch Off' is not due till next April, so the reaction has not begun...........yet.

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