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Meade ETX motors cross-wired?

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I bought a Meade ETX 90 on Ebay. Optically it seems to be fine, but it's up/down and lef/right functions are reversed. I do not mean that up and down are reversed! The up and down arrows on both the controller and the computer controller make it slew left and right (or maybe right and left) - and vice versa. This applies to the computer too - if it is trying to align from the home position to a star it chooses which I can see in the West at about 45 degrees, it goes right 45 degrees and up 90 degress (or more - which is bad). Has anyone seen this before? Given that it is old and well out of warranry, and I am reaonably technical, would I be mad to take it apart and see if I can do anything about it? Can one get a wiring diagram? Is Meade likely to help (their customer support does not seem to have an email address - but I thought anyway I would try you all before I call them).


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I would suggest that you hit reset and wipe everything out. Then start again and set it up.

Have a Meade 105 that gave me absolute hell one night. For whatever reason the scope made up it's mind that it was on an EQ mount not an Alt/Az. All movements were odd to say the least. It has never been on an EQ mount ever. The Reset was the only option open to me as I could not change the mount type.

Another thought is that does the handset know it is attached to an ETX90 ?

The handset can be used on several scopes.

I assume that your problem is that the left/right buttons move the scope up/down, and that up/down buttons move the scope left/right.

If the left button moves it right then don't worry, I think it is either normal, or a function of the handset.

If the left/right move it some left/right and some up/down then I suspect the mount that the scope thinks it is on an EQ not Alt/Az.

Do not take it apart and I suspct you will get no answer from Meade.

I am guessing whoever had it before you went and reset the handset before giving it to you and perhaps Equitorial mount is the deafult or they used it in that mode for basic imaging.

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There is an option in the menu to reverse the arrows. You just need to reset that.

I'm not sure why anyone would want them reversed, unless they are used to a boat's tiller? :lol:

It's a fairly simple cure.


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There is an option in the menu to reverse the arrows. You just need to reset that.

I'm not sure why anyone would want them reversed, unless they are used to a boat's tiller? :lol:

It's a fairly simple cure.


The original post isn't, or doesn't read, as if it is a Left/Right reversal. It reads as if Left+Right will move the scope Up+Down.

Will say I had to read it a couple of times to come to this conclusion. :Envy: :Envy:

The reason for a L/R and U/D swap is that when you look through a scope if the scope moves (say) Up the image appears to do the opposite. Some people don't like it and so the option to swap. Used a lot when you peer down the eyepiece and then centre or move the scope on the handset by feel alone. As you can be looking down the eyepiece, want to move waht appears to be to the Left but you actually need to press the button that moves to the Right.

Main problem is that it helps if looking through the eyepiece, and causes problems if you want to move the scope when stood back as then it goes the wrong way. You cannot win. :grin: :grin:

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Thanks everyone. I had the crazy idea that I'd get an email when there were replies - and I only just looked - been busy :-) Sorry! The scope is in France and I only spend some of my time there - so the next chance to play is a week or so away anyway.

The left right buttons make it go up and down (and vice versa) - it is not simply the menu-driven optional reversal of buttons.

Regarding the Southen hemisphere suggestion, I like the thinking and will take a look - but I am not hopeful. Taking a specific case, I could see Arcturus ( i think it was) more or less West and 45 degrees up. The scope moved right 45 and then up more than 90 degress (clunk). If it thinks it is in the Southern hemispere then I guess you would make the home position South? If so then it would turn right instead of left - but 90 degrees not 45. I dontl think you would get the reversal I am talking about. In any case it should not try to go past the vertical, should it? It is set for maximum 90 - I checked.

Regarding the handset comments - this happens with the manual controller, and the computer controller under manual operation, and under computer control. All consistently behavng as though the up down control is moving the left right motor (and vice-versa).

I have reset it it completey and followed the instructions as though new - trained the motoes etc. No difference.


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