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Viewing galaxies with binoculars

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Good evening

I have been reviewing my records of which galaxies I have been able to spot in my 50mm bins and my 80mm bins..

Just for fun I created a page here to list them by month / constellation.


Yes I know the images are not what you will see...just a very faint fuzzy patch but it was just for fun to list them out..

And perhaps just because I love to look at these objects and putting them all on a page was enjoyable..

If you have any thoughts on what is possible in bins or even better some sketches of each with a black background then I could replace the images with sketches of what you will really see etc..


Will finish off May when I have time but there are SO SO many in that month..


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I do like your object database...I did find though that magnitude and surface brightness as quoted in databases often was not a perfect guide on what I could see. So I coudl identify a few galaxies that were all mag 12 and sbr 13 but I could see some and not others...All down to profile of the brightness etc no doubt..

SO I set out with my dob and have now viewed over 600..The binocular list is just an interesting sideline..

Perhaps one day we will meet and view objects through our bins...maybe an SGL star party?

Thanks again for responding to my post.


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Mark - Nice project! First time Iv'e seen such descriptions besides an old binocular astronomy book that only sometimes gave an actual description as appearing in bins. Keep up the excellent work and looking forward to the growing list :bino2:

Steve - A nice link for bin observers! Thanks for sharing :Envy:

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I've done a Messier Marathon with my 15x70's. The only one I couid not nab was (and still is) M 97, The Owl Nebula.

I have an awesome bit of software, SkyToolsPro3.2 for selecting my targets. Admittedly, I do my binocular astronomy under the ink black skies at sea. Eagerly awaiting first light with my new Revelation 20x80's. The programme states that my limiting magnitude is now +12.9. That will be awesome. Next season I aim to get the Herschell 400., with sketches.

Loving binocular astronomy.


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I've done a Messier Marathon with my 15x70's.
Impressive; I've tried, unsuccessfully with 127mm scope (M75 and M30 defeated me -- too low in the murk). However, Jay Reynolds Freeman has done the lot with a 10x50 (not as a Marathon, but throughout the year)!
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I really enjoyed browsing the webpage. I love my bino's but never been on a galaxy hunt quite like this.

I am now sorted for the rest of summer for targets. Thank you very much.

Stuff like this is cool.

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I've had go at using these whilst watching seabirds. Not a problem holding them steady. Will hopefully have them under the stars soon.

I am a keen "birder" also. So its a battle, laptop, Camera gear and HUGE binos. Only a problem if I have to fly home from somewhere. End up leaving all my work gear on board. Missus calls me the gadget man.

Just eager to see "how deep" these will go. +12.9 that'll be 1,000's of objects waiting for me. Roll on 12th October .....


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Astroeddie. ~I would love to see how you get on with the 80mm bins. About 90% of the galaxies I have listed on my page are my own observations with 20 x 80 mm bins with a NELM of 5.5. I have sneaked in a few more which others have logged with 70/80mm bins but I have yet to bag them.

I find the challenge is the size of galaxies with the 80mm bins. The fainter ones are very small which makes locating them tough without a carte due ciel chart or equivalent and then they are almost stellar at times.

Try NGC 6503 overhead as a test at the moment. It is in Draco and is a nice slender object. Can you see it in your 80mm bins..

I have a manfrotto tripod I use with mine and I really could not use them for long without it...Must be fun on a rocking boat..

Let us know how you go with the bins..


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I am currently downloading an image of everything in the NGC catlog. I then plan to do my own report sheet, where theres a sketch of what I've seen in my binos, and the actual NGC catlog image, and my description. 7,000+, guess it'll take me a while to compile.


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