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The moon....


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Ok when i joined i said i was very intrested in astronomy i just don't understand most of it.

So i've got a question about the moon, although this might just be stupid....

How come, Even on completely clear nights, the moon isn't always visible? I know where to look at certain times etc, i just don't get how it can't be there when its constantly going round the earth, probably a dumb thing to ask but it's been bugging me for the last 2 days :)

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Although you see the Moon rise in the East and set in the West it actually orbits in the opposite direction against the star background. This orbit takes around 28 days so on each consecutive night the Moon will rise later.

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I don't think that is a dumb question, Mich, but rather than answer it, why don't you download Stellarium for free and put it into watch the moon travel over a month or two.

what he said. give a man a fish, and all that.

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I find it particularly fascinating when the moon and the sun appear in the sky at the same time during daylight. Even though I understand why, it still seems curiously odd lol. Not a daft question at all :)

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