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Take a ride on the witches broom


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Well . home early from Hols , and what do i get , A clear sky ,lol,so thought i had better get some imaging done , keep the ole hand in ,

still working on the Dome getting things sorted ,coming on nicely , but meanwhile still outside ,

although clear the moon was bright and a slightly milky sky,which did take away some fine detail that can be seen with this neb, but happy with the result , it does show a lot of nebulosity , something i never managed before on this target.

So taken with the Atik 16HR AND ED80 ,HA FILTER USED,

Subs made up of 1 min to 90 secs Exposure time roughly 1 hour 20mins or so, processsed in Maxim ,SD MASK , AND 2% DDP, final process in PS.




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Hi. Rog. and like me you are just back from a holiday of mostly wind and rain. Fortunately I was in London, and managed to visit a few of the cultural establishments, which are not reliant on good weather. Got to the New Planetarium at Greenwich and enjoyed that.

The irony is, as our train approached Lancashire and Cumbria, the sun appeared, and it has shone since.

Nice to see you are producing images again, and hopefully getting your imaging station the way you want it.

Nice looking Broom too, considering the sky conditions were not ideal.

Ron. :D

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Excellent image, Roger - some really nice detail in there. I struggle with this object and have yet to take a picture of it that I am remotely happy with! I took a widefield (50mm FL lens) last night in Ha but yet again, I was really disappointed with the result. Really pleased for you that you got such a nice image in relatively difficult conditions.

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Another very nice broom pic - you continue to keep getting better. You did especially fine on this one considering the moon glow. The new observatory will help a lot with that.

I just bought a new (used) toy to play with. It's the original model I of the Orion Star Shoot Color imager. It will be fun to start another learning curve... :D

So, don't expect any "keepers" from me for a while...Lol.

Cheers mate,


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