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Hi all

I'm back from a weeks camp in South Devon. The skies were nothing short of stunning from Tuesday night onwards. The milky way like I have never seen it :shock:. A giant, bright dust lane just cutting through through the night sky right down to the Southern horizon in to the sea. A very awe inspiring sight for both me and others on camp. It wasn't an astronomy orientated camp and they couldn't believe it when I explained that they wern't looking at a long thin cloud.. merely our own galaxy. It was strictly viewing sessions only when I lugged the scope out of my car (mostly showing other people some fuzzy stuff). Couldn't show Jupiter off very well due to the horizon muck. For me M57 was the most impressive as it was reasonably bright at 166x (It's usually painfully faint). As for the other people on camp.. gaping at the the milky way, the double cluster and Alberio impressed the most.

Now I'm back I can finally get that first light session on my 10" dob :D


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Thought you might ask that James... oh well... will have to reveal my secret sooner or later :)

We stayed at the start bay center, just outside Slapton village. Word of warning though... Start Point lighthouse is visible on the horizon. 3 Flashes every 5 seconds all night. :D That thing has a 25 mile range :shock:. But it certainly didn't seem to affect the sky however not sure about how it would affect astro-photography mind you.


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