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The Pelican Nebula

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I'm still trying to get to grips with a mono ccd. Lots to learn!

This is the pelican nebula ic 5070 through my Ed80 & 0.63 reducer taken with atik 314L.

x18 10 min subs ha filter unbinned for the lum channel.

x6 3 min subs each R/B/G binned 2x2.

Stacked in maxim DL 5, finished in photoshop:


Any help/advice always greatly received!

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There seems to be at least two differing schools on Luminance. One says use Ha as L and the other says use all the spectrum as an L (Whether that's a true L through an L filter or combining the RGB ) and add the Ha to the red channel. There are probably more !

I feel that using Ha as an L only sharpens up some of the red. Others may disagree. Have you tried using the Ha in the red channel yet ?

It's a great start seeing the sky is so bright at the moment !


Any chance of a look at your Ha ?

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My post was confusing. I meant blend in the Ha to the red channel.

That Ha image looks good enough to me. Nice definition in the clouds and the stars are under control.

What weight of Ha blend works best for you is going to be trial and error. I suggest ( I do a lot of that with other people's time ) is to blend in 25%, then 50% and finally 75%. Get all three up on the screen and then you can make a judgement how to blend the final image.


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